We got to go up to the second level on the tower. Unfortunately the third level was closed due to the weather. It started snowing when we were standing on the tower! It was like we were in an actual snow globe! :)

Next we visited the Arc de Triomphe. It is quite beautiful with all of the carvings. And it's in the center of a 6 lane traffic circle, which our bus driver did navigate, craziness!!!

The rest of the day we took a bus tour around the city and then that evening we had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We're not that into this whole Hard Rock infatuation and probably would have preferred to do more exploring of French cuisine, but it was already planned with the tour company and it turned out to be a pretty good deal in the end.

That evening we took a short night-time bus tour of the city. Unfortunately our bus had broken down before dinner which messed up our time frame so our tour had to be cut short. But I did get this fantastic picture of the Champs Elysee with the Arc de Triomphe at the end!!! I have wanted this picture for a very long time. I actually had this same picture as a backdrop on my computer when I was in college! Now I have a picture of my very own!

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